
Multiple methods available to integrate Canfigure with your existing systems

We specialize in migrating customers from Excel and legacy systems with minimal fuss.
Integration is key to automation

Canfigure includes an OAS 3.0 compliant REST API that can be viewed here.

The REST API provides Create, Read, Update and Delete capability for the majority of Canfigure functions.

Canfigure includes native support for Active Directory or alternative LDAP repository. This is used to automate all user details as well as provide SSO to Canfigure. Full mapping options provide the ability to sync any LDAP record to Canfigure.

Microsoft Excel files in XLSX or CSV format can be easily uploaded either manually or automated via the file uploading job to Canfigure.


Connectors to a multitude of systems are available from Canfigure, including Service Now™, Jira™, IT Docs™,™, Xero™ and more. Anything that exposes a JSON interface can be integrated with Canfigure.